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The Cruise
It was the summer before I was going to head off to college, my grandparents surprised the whole family with the announcement we were going on a cruise to Mexico. Needless to say I was less than thrilled when they told me I would have to share a cabin with my obnoxious older cousin Mason the entire time. Mason was the family favorite, a straight A student who attended one of the most prestigious schools in the country on a full ride scholarship and was studying to be a doctor. He was also in very good shape, I mean very good shape. A swimmer in high school he had joined his schools club crew teams and club volleyball team. I was not as luck in the physique department, my 5', 145lb frame made me look even smaller when I stood next to my cousin, despite him only being 18 months older than me. However, I was determined to enjoy the trip if for nothing less than having a fun icebreaker to share when I got to college in the fall. The day of the cruise arrived in no time, once we reached Miami we boarded our ship and all made our way to our respective cabins. There was some sort of mistake when booking the rooms, my cousin and I had been relegated to the other side of the ship than our family, which my cousin could not have been happier about. He had already developed a system he was ready to tell me about for inviting girls back to our rooms and how to let the other one know the room was "occupied." Little did he, or anyone else in my family, know that would not be a problem for me. While I had not come out to my family yet I had assumed after I spent time on the other side of the country living my life it would be easier to tell them when I came back from my first year of college. Not that they would not be supportive or anything I just had not worked up the courage to do so yet. My other concern about sharing a room with Mason was that he was a total slob, clothes, shoes and who knows what else were strewn all over the room within minutes of our arrival. Optimistically he brought a jumbo box of condoms probably purchased from Costco or one of those supersized bulk stores. He jokingly told me I could use as many as I wanted "provided they fit" and provided I was lucky enough to find a girl who wanted to have sex with me. In an effort to escape our disgusting room with an even worse view I wandered up to the pool. My grandpa had splurged and bought our family the unlimited food and drink package so I wanted to use that time to get my liver prepared for college. I grabbed two of the fruitiest drinks I could find (beer was never my thing) and made my way to the pool with my book. After reading and relaxing a while I headed to the bar for a few more drinks, after pounding down those rum filled cocktails I decided to take a little nap by the pool. I was awoken, what must have been hours later by the looks of my suntan to an MC by the pool asking anyone if they wanted to enter the belly flop contest. What was the prize for this contest you ask? A free all you can eat dinner for two with a private tour of the ship with the captain. I myself was not interested but I was interested in trolling this contest for some eye candy. That being said I had no such luck. The first half dozen contestants were either kids who would have tried anything with a prize and much older men who probably had too much to drink. However, just as the contest was winding down the most beautiful boy I had ever set my eyes upon climbed the stairs and got ready to take his turn. This man had the most beautiful figure I had ever seen. He had the slim face of a guy who had just discovered his love for beer and a belly to match. If I had to guess he stood about 6'0 and weighed about 210, and it would not be a stretch to guess he played football as well. You could tell he wanted to win this dinner, the boy climbed the stairs and proceeded to regale the crowd with a seductive dance with nods to a good chippendales performance. Following his seductive dance he ended up jumping into the water with such force his splash soaked even the crowd several rows back. There was no need to even ask the crowd who won, this guy took the cake. I have never considered myself an outgoing person but I needed to talk to this guy, I needed him to notice me. So following his jump while he was pulling himself out of the pool, I moved chairs as close to his original seat as possible, which lucky for me was just to his left. As he approached and I could see him more clearly his appearance only made me more horny. His 6'1 frame turned out to be more like 6'3 and his slime face was framed by some of the most beautiful brown/auburn hair I had ever seen. His chest shown in the sunlight, covered by the tiniest layer of hair and that trail proceeded down over his slightly rotund stomach down past his belly button and into his shorts. I was dying to find out what lay at the end of that trail. He plopped down on his chair and a lifeguard eventually came over with his certificate he won thanks to his flopping skills. A minute or two later I worked up the courage to say something, probably spurred on by the alcohol. "That was a pretty impressive belly flop you just did up there." "Thank man" he responded. "So you must have really wanted that dinner for two huh" "Nah bro, I will probably just give that to my parents anyway. My sisters bet me $50 I couldn't go up there and win, and after a few beers I figured i had to accept their challenge." "Well you sure showed them" I retorted. "Thanks Man! I'm Tommy by the way." "Hey Tommy, my names James. So do you and your family come on cruises often?" I asked "No, my parents decided that before I head off to college it would be a fun thing for the family to do." I shared with him that my grandparents had though the same thing and that I was not originally thrilled but I could get over the room sharing situation in order to have some fun. He explained that because he only has sister his parents decided to get him his own cabin. "So you said before you head off to college, where are you going if you don't mind me asking. I'm going to be a freshman in the fall too." "I am actually going to play football for Duke." he replied. "No way I am going to Duke too!" I responded Not knowing much about sports I did not have too many follow up questions I felt confident asking about football so I changed the subject to plans for the rest of the cruise. He told me that his coach had asked him to bulk up over the summer so that he might get a starting position on the team in the fall. He explained he finished his senior year wrestling season at a lean 185 but he usually played football in the fall at about 215. With the size and talent of the guys in college his new coach had asked him to get up to 235lbs and work on putting on some muscle mass as well. Tommy also informed me that getting to 235 would be no problem for him, given that he loved food and had a huge appetite. That statement right there was music to my ears. After another half hour of conversation we exchanged numbers and parted ways. It would be nice to have someone I knew on campus in the fall, but my real plan was much larger than just a relationship or friendship with Tommy, I planned to help him get to 235, and if I had my way, far beyond. Later that evening after an early dinner with my family, (my grandparents like to eat late.) I saw Tommy coming into the restaurant alone as I was leaving. I made a quick effort to ditch my family and jumped right in front of Tommy on his way to the buffet. "Hey there" he exclaimed. "You already have dinnner?" "No, not yet!" I lied. "Well my family decided to call it an early night, they were tired from all the travel. I could use the company if you wanted to join me." Boy did I ever want to join him. I had to see this boy's appetite first hand. As we made our way through the buffet line Tommy was not shy about loading up his plate with everything the buffet had to offer. He started with a huge slab of prime rib, along with heaping piles of both mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, potato salad and as many pieces of bread as he could pile on top of his plate. When we got back to our table I told him I would go grab us some drinks. I returned about 6-7 minutes later with a beer for him and a glass of wine for myself. Upon returning to the table I saw his plate was already nearly licked clean. "Sorry I decided to start without you, I was starving after today." "No worries big boy, looks like you are making your coach proud. Why don't you go get another plate and I will wait for you to get back." Tommy took no time at all refilling his plate. This time he returned with more food even than the last time. I completed my plate and fetched a few more beers for tommy. Two glasses of wine was enough to make my small frame fairly drunk but he put away another 4-5 beers with his third plate. By the time he finished his fourth plate his paunch was absolutely gorged. His shirt was riding up a few inches above the hem of his pants exposing a few tufts of his hairy stomach between the gaps in the fabric. Dessert could not come enough for my newfound friend, after a piece of cheesecake, a brownie with ice cream and some dessert wine Tommy was about ready to burst. "Sorry I made a pig of myself" he shared, "Why don't get grab a few drinks and head back to my room and play a little X-box. I brought mine with me for the evenings and I always need a buddy to play with." Happily I obliged and I grabbed Tommy one last beer and we headed to his room, both of us now fairly drunk. When we arrived Tommy held the door for me and followed me into his cabin. The queen bed as neatly made by housekeeping and the room was in fairly need order. Tommy took no time in freeing his enormous belly from his shirt, removing it and tossing it in a pile on the floor. "I hope you don't mind but this heat and humidity is killing me." He said. Not only did I not mind I was turned on as hell. I sat on his bed and folded my hands in my lap in order to hide my stiffy. He asked me if I wanted a beer, which I declined but he popped open another one he had suck onto the ship. We turned on the X-box and began to play for a few hours. Two hours and 6 beers later Tommy was still as rotund as he had been after dinner. "Tommy, you said you finished your wrestling season at 185, have you weighed youself since then?" I asked. "No" he responded, "maybe we should since there is a scale in the bathroom." "I walked into the bathroom and waited for Tommy to join me. About 30 seconds later he walked in stark naked. He did not even acknowledge his nakedness, probably all that time spent in locker rooms. Anyway, he walks over to the scale and hops on, the dial spun all the way and landed on 220lbs. Tommy stepped back amazed. "220, thats heavier than I used to be for football." He exclaimed. "Well you would never guess, I think you carry it rather well." I told him. He just continued to stand there on the scale and about 45 seconds later I looked down and noticed he was sporting a raging hard on. Apparently his size had turned him on just as much as it was turning me on. This was my opening, we did not know each other very well yet so I figured now was my chance. I bent down and began to slide the head of his cock into my mouth. Much to my enjoyment he did not pull back, rather he rested his hands on the back of my head and began to work my mouth down his shaft. After a few minutes of some of the best head my virign mouth could muster he scooped me up and headed for the bed. With his size and strength carry me to the bed did not seem to be a problem. He threw my body down and climbed on the bed. His large fame towered over me and even though I was exploding with pleasure and excitement part of me was a little nervous as to how the size difference was going to make this work. Tommy was not scared, he seemed more determined than ever. He turned my body around into doggystyle and began to pusch the head of his 8in cock onto my virgin hole. After lobbing a few layers of spit onto his cock to give it some lube he pushed even farther in, both of us moaning with pleasure. After a few minutes of working his cock into my tight hole he climbed on the bed and pushed my down into an arched position. Then he did the hottest thing I have ever experienced, he lifted his engorged belly up and set it on my back, so as to relieve his back of the weight and so he could fuck me even harder with that burden released. He fucked and fucked with the virility only an athlete could muster and after a long time later we both let out ropes of cum screaming in pleasure. His cum filled my slutty hole and mine covered the towel on his bed. He grabbed my little frame and lifted me onto his stomach as we laid in bed. He told me how he had been looking for someone to help him increase his weight for football and a fag he could use on the side when his girlfriend was not around to take his dick. He said he was so shocked he got both in one person. And this was only night one of the cruise...!
Category: realistic | Added by: (2024-05-22) | Author: James Johson
Views: 1974 | Comments: 1 | Rating: 3.3/3
Total comments: 1
1 pdzagorski   (2024-07-25 21:33:22) [Eintrag]
This was so super hot until the end. Hope there's a part 2 where the "straight" guy comes out and stops using the MC

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